News and Articles

The Preventative Care Paradox:

Younger Generations’ Healthcare Dilemma In the landscape of modern healthcare, a paradox is emerging. While advancements in medicine and technology have made preventative care more accessible than ever, a significant portion of the workforce—Millennials and Gen Z—is increasingly forgoing primary and preventative healthcare. A recent report by Marsh McLennan Agency[...]

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Why Onsite and Near-Site Clinics Are Missing the Mark for Employers

In the quest to provide employees with convenient and accessible healthcare, many employers have turned to onsite and near-site clinics. These clinics are heralded as a means to reduce healthcare costs, improve employee health outcomes, and increase productivity by minimizing time away from work. However, despite their apparent benefits, these[...]

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How Investing in Primary Care Can Save 

Primary care is the foundation of a healthy and productive workforce. It is the first point of contact for most health issues and provides preventive, chronic, and acute care services. Primary care also helps coordinate care with other providers and specialists, and it can reduce unnecessary and costly use of[...]

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Employee Health is DPC

As an employer, you know that the health and well-being of your workforce is critical to your success. But did you know that by 2040, all Americans could potentially live up to 95% of their years in good health and live to be nearly 90 years old? This is the[...]

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How Direct Primary Care Can Boost Employer Benefits and Save Money

Employer benefits are a key factor in attracting and retaining talent, as well as improving employee health and productivity. However, providing high-quality and affordable healthcare benefits can be challenging for employers, especially in the face of rising costs, limited access, and low satisfaction. That’s why many employers are looking for[...]

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